Wednesday 28 December 2016

Female Infertility Causes and Treatment Options

Female infertility is common these days and there are several reasons behind it. But no longer it is considered a taboo and people are open to take infertility treatments.  The female infertility problems could be due to age, lifestyle and menstrual issues. There are the best Infertility Specialists in Delhi who has helped millions of families to add joy to their families. Here are a few infertility treatment options:

Surgery:  There could be several issues in the body that would pregnancy to occur.  A surgery will remove the blockages from endometriosis, structural repair and scar tissues which was preventing pregnancy.
In Vitro Fertilization: It is popularly known as IVF. There are times when the maternal eggs and paternal sperms may not be able to fertilize inside the womb of the woman. The problem could be with one of the partners or with both the partners. In such scenario, the egg and sperm are fertilized in the laboratory and are later on placed in the womb of the woman. The sperm could be of the biological father or it could be of a donor’s. The egg could be of the biological mother or of a donor. Once the embryo is built, it is then transferred to a human body. Two or more embryos are placed for a 100 percent fertilization to take place. You can consult Gynecologist in Lajpat Nagar for more options.

Egg Donation: Age is a major factor for women not to get pregnant. The quality of the egg goes down as women ages. The egg production might be stopped and you might have to take the help of egg donors. In the case of IVF donor, the eggs will be taken from a young lady whose follicles will be stimulated by fertility medicines.  This will then be injected into the womb of the indented parents for further process to take place. If there are more complications then IVF process will be considered wherein embryo will be fertilized outside the body using drugs and will later on be shifted to human body.
 Thus, infertility is not a major reason to lead a sad life as there are several treatments that can give you positive results.  The best Infertility specialist in Delhi can be approached if you are dealing with infertility issues.
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